Baha'is under the Provisions of the Covenant (BUPC)

Monday 30 July 2018

Second Baha'i Principle is The Independent Investigation of the Truth

All must be free to seek out truth in their own way. The second foundation stone, the sapphire, is a clear blue, "true blue," and the color of faith, inspiration, loyalty and truth. Man must be free to soar in this "Dome of heavens blue truth," and see it with his own eyes. 'Abdu'l-Baha
Truth is the object of search among the principles of finding and gaining new knowledge about the existence of ourselves. Without the gained knowledge, we are but in darkness, unlearned, uncaring and an unimportant animal of creation. However, when mankind is stimulated to even investigate the simplest of items, radiant brilliance of truth of science, religion, knowledge of all things are opened to his understanding. The complex patterns of the intellect, the mind in its functioning capacity, has the ability to comprehend both concrete and abstract thought patterns. Animals think in only terms of concrete visible patterns, while the whole of humanity has both the concrete and abstract thought patterns of tangible physical things as well as the unseen comprehension of intangible thoughts. To be able to achieve the collected findings of investigated truth, we first must clear our thoughts of traditional concepts unsubstantiated by proofs. Secondly, we have to arise above the prejudices of cultural superstition and small insignificant and trivial notions. Possessing an open receptive mind is essential for positive and untarnished investigation. If we allow our thoughts to prematurely establish our concepts, that we are the only one right and everyone else can only be wrong, we then set before our investigation an obstacle to great to over come. Truth is of one source, foundation and origin. To achieve to the pathway of truth, we must be in unity, which is essential if we are to find the awaiting truth. Truth is one, of one accord, and can not contradict another truth, for being of the same origin, truth is always of the same radiant vibration. A rose is beautiful and the same, no matter which garden it may bloom in. A star, shining forth constantly in the same radiance, whether from the East or Western horizon, is the same, never is its light opposed to the nature of its reality. In like manner, truth is of one nature and accord, no matter where it is found, or where it may achieve a radiant attraction to any individual. We must find ourselves willing to clear away all that we have previously learned. Preventing traditional obstacles to clog our steps on the way to truth. We must not allow our love for any one religion or any one personality to blind our eyes and to cloud our thoughts, or we would become fettered by mere superstitions. When we become freed from all these bonds and begin seeking with liberated minds, then shall we be able to arrive at our goal, the radiant light of truth.
"God Himself does not compel the soul to become spiritual. The exercise of the free human will is necessary." Baha'u'llah
The investigation of truth is not binding upon mankind, rather, it is of a free will of the individual to pursue. For each individual should see and realize for himself the necessary truth manifested in the human temple. God has gifted mankind with the purest gift, the intellect. With such a tool, mankind may discover the realities of his existence, the essence of his creation, its purpose and meaning. The Prophets called onto mankind to open their eyes, not shut them, to use their reason and not to suppress it. "It is clear seeing and free thinking, not servile credulity, that will enable them to penetrate the clouds of prejudice, to shake off the fetters of blind imitation, and attain to the realization of the truth of a new Revelation." Mankind should become use to using all the faculties God has so gloriously given to humanity for the acquisition of truth. It is essential that individuals should become capable of discerning the true from the false, right from wrong, and of seeing things in their true proportions. Be weary of sayings and purposed truths without valid proofs and sufficient evidence to their credibility. If a heart of the seeker is pure, and their mind is free and escapes the worldly prejudices, the true and earnest seeker will not fail to recognize the divine glory in what ever temple it may become manifested.
"O ye sons of intelligence! The thin eyelid prevents the eye from seeing the world and what is contained therein. Then think of the result when the curtain of greed over the sight of the heart! O people! The darkness of greed and envy obscures the light of the soul as the cloud prevents the penetration of the sun's rays." Baha'u'llah
The use of the intellect is the fundamental tool and foundation to search after truth and knowledge. A pure heart and free will to search, to investigate, is the very foundation of a independent Search for Truth. Let it swell in the hearts of all mankind. Once truth is found, then unity can be achieved in its total essence. Courtesy:

Sunday 15 July 2018

First Baha'i Principle is The Oneness of the World of Humanity

"Hands may be black, white, yellow or brown, but the hue of the heart is one." The first foundation stone is the Jasper; it is clear red, like the hue of the heart. In ancient times it was called the bloodstone. 'Abdu'l-Baha
Any historical ingenious theories of essential racial superiority, which many people still embrace, can not survive investigation nor the inquisitive examination of a sincere seeker. Foundations of racial superiority prove to be nothing more than expressions of national or racial conceit and pomposity, when considered without egoism or prejudice. There is simply no known fact of human anatomy or physiology which implies that the capacity for culture of civilization inheres in one race or another race of mankind. The strength of a living society depends upon the unity of its millions of diversified individuals in a common ideology, which must be excellently suited to the needs and conditions of that society. The science of Anthropology has revealed to us our common ancestry. Beyond doubt it has proved totally and conclusively that the human race, though varying in color, size, and feature, is not made up of different kinds and species. Humanity is one, Homo Sapiens, MAN. We are one people from the same origin and with the same history.
"In every dispensation the light of divine guidance has been focused upon one central theme.... In this wondrous Revelation, this glorious center, the foundation of Faith of God and the distinguishing feature of His Law, is the consciousness of the oneness of mankind." 'Abdu'l-Baha
Long experience is at last convincing men of the truth of the prophetic teaching that selfish views and selfish actions inevitably bring social disaster, and that if humanity is not to perish ingloriously, each must look on the things of his neighbor as of equal importance with his own, and subordinate his own interests to those of humanity as a whole. In this way the interests of each and all will ultimately be best served.
"That which the lord hath ordained as the sovereign remedy and mightiest instrument for the healing of all the world is the union of all its people in one universal Cause, one common Faith. This can in no wise be achieved except through the power of a skilled, an all-powerful and inspired Physician. This, verily, is the truth, and all else naught but error." Baha'u'llah
We are all fruits of one tree, the leaves of one branch, the flowers of one garden. This is most characteristic of Bahá'u'lláh's teachings onto us. The unity of mankind and of all created beings by God is the main theme of his teachings. Every member of the human family, whether of the peoples or of the governments, cities or nations, have become increasingly interdependent. For none, is self sufficiency any longer possible, in as much as political ties unite all people and nations, and the bonds of trade and industry, of agriculture and education, are being strengthened every day. Therefore, the unity and oneness of all mankind can in this day be achieved. The whole of mankind is groaning, yearning to be lead to unity and to terminate its age long martyrdom for oneness. It yet stubbornly refuses to embrace the light and acknowledge the sovereign authority of the one Power that can extricate it from its entanglements. Our human society is now close to approaching the stage which the unification of the whole of mankind can be realized. All of mankind is but of one origin, our Shepherd is the Loving God. Upon us are bestowed His Most Great mercies, for we are considered as one fold. The highest and most excelling grace bestowed upon men is the grace of 'attaining unto the Presence of God' and of His recognition, which has been promised unto all people. This is the utmost degree of grace vouchsafed unto man by the All-Bountiful, the Ancient of Days, and the fullness of His absolute bounty upon His Creation. In human nature, there is a spiritual and intellectual potentiality for development of a higher and higher form of social order. This order itself may reach its ultimate-size and shape with the boundaries of the planet, which is in a world order, but development within that final commonwealth is unlimited. The very nature of things is in the realization of the inner potentialities of man himself towards spiritual evolvement and enlightenment. Before us is unfolded a principle of oneness among mankind. From family life to tribal life, to city to state, to provinces, kingdoms, and nations, a veil has been lifted from our hearts, that we, all races of mankind, can come together as one, united together. No longer as races of men, but as a race of mankind united in oneness and in brother-hood.
"In that day, saith the lord of Hosts, shall ye call every man his neighbor under the vine and under the fig tree." Zechariah 3:10


The Return of Christ

As the Bab gave his life so that Baha'u'llah should live, Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha gave their lives that the Davidic lineage should last for ever as the Presidents of the true Universal House of Justice of Baha'u'llah. The line of David has continued safe in America from the days of the Master's visit to that continent in 1912 when he rested for a day in the Rocky Mountains and where God has established his seed for ever.
